1. RSIF-PASET – Regional Scholarship Innovation Fund of the Partnership for Skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (RSIF-PASET) Scholar Host Institution for the Food Security thematic area 2018- 2023

    1. USD4,000,000: Grant Agreement for Award #20-45012 – Strengthening SACIDS Expert Support to Regional COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness in Southern, Central and East Africa March 15, 2020-March 14, 2021

      1. USD6,000,000: World Bank Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence Project: Southern African Center for Infectious Disease Surveillance – African Center of Excellence for Infectious Diseases of Humans and Animals in Southern and East Africa Jan 2017 – 2021. Principal Investigator

      2. GBP 7,055,176 – Wellcome Trust Grant Wellcome Trust Grant WT087546MA. One Medicine Africa-UK Research Capacity Development Partnership Programme for Infectious Diseases in Southern Africa. August 1, 2009 to June 2017. Programme Director.

      3. USD Skoll Global Threats Fund Grant #14-02688 Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS) tool development. August 1st, 2015 to March 2018

      4. US$ 598,000 African Development Bank (AfDB) Grant G-Z1-IB0-ZZZ-002. Capacity building for smart partnerships among centres of science excellence in a model of south-south cooperation. Jan 2015 – December 2017. Principal Investigator

      5. Ca$1,462,100 Canadian International Development Centre (IDRC) Grant Number 107030-001 for EcoHealth based research on “Integrated Human and Animal Disease Control for Tanzanian Pastoralists Facing Settlement”. Feb 2013 –  Feb 2017 Principal Investigator.

      6. US $300,850 – Rockefeller Foundation, Grant 2011 DSN 307 to strengthen the capacity of SACIDS as both a forum and research platform for One Health approaches to the study of infectious diseases, both nationally and in Southern and East Africa. December 1, 2011 to November 30, 2013. Principal Investigator.

      7. US$899,530 – Rockefeller Foundation, Grant 2009 DSN-305 for piloting mobile technologies in one-health disease surveillance in southern and East Africa. March 1, 2009 to March 31, 2013. Principal Investigator.

      8. US$399,000 – Rockefeller Foundation, Grant 2008 DSN-310 for piloting resource mapping across human and animal health sectors. October 1, 2008 to June 2012. Principal Investigator.

      9. US1,000,000 – Google.org Grant Agreements #24-2008 and Agreement # GF-02-2009. Establishing the SACIDS Network and Secretariat at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania. October 1, 2008 to August 2012. Principal Investigator.