Dr Paul E. Kazyoba

Dr Paul E. Kazyoba 

Chief Research Scientist 

National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)


Dr Paul E. Kazyoba is a Chief Research Scientist at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Tanzania. He holds a PhD (Phytomedicine) from the University of Fort Hare, Postdoc (Pharmacology) at Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa, and an MPhil (Medicinal Chemistry) from the University of Botswana. Dr Kazyoba has 20 years of experience in biomedical and public health research focusing on Malaria, TB, NTDs and antimicrobials. Following a CPD on epidemiology and biostatistics (MUHAS), research on infectious diseases of poverty (TDR/WHO/SSI), and implementation research (TDR),he has been involved in the epidemiological studies on NTDS including precision mapping, transmission assessments and coverage surveys. He has further been involved in arboviral research activities including surveillance for Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika viruses. From 2015 to date, he is leading the Access and Delivery Partnership Programme (ADP) in Tanzania focusing on health systems strengthening, specifically, identifying and addressing gaps and bottlenecks which affects delivery of and access to health interventions.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Kazyoba served in the national committee for PHEIC, as a deputy chairman of the research pilar. During this period, he overseen the preparation of the rapid response research agenda for COVID-19 and advice on the priority areas which needed rapid research to support response. Within the SACIDS Foundation for One Health, Dr Kazyoba has been participating in the planning and implementation of research projects such as OneHealth Detect, and currently coordinates a risk management of viral epidemics platform.

Dr Kazyoba is a member of research consortia including Tackling Infections to Benefit Africa (TIBA), IeDEA (EA), and GREAT-LIFE Consortium, all as a Country Lead. In his career, he has been funded by NIHR (through the University of Edinburgh), NIH (through Indiana University), EDCTP (under the GREAT-LIFE EDCTP3 funded project), TDR/WHO, PATH and DFID through the DeLPHE and ASCEND Programs. Others include, International Foundation for Science (IFS), Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), GCRF (Through St Andrews University), and the Ministry of Health, Tanzania.

On leadership, he has been the Director of Research Coordination and Promotion for NIMR. He served as a Board Member for Ifakara Health Institute, Board Member of Mwanza Interventions Trials Unit, and Member of Advisory Board for Abbott on Determine Early HIV AgRDT (a 4th Generation HIV rapid diagnostic test. He has also served on technical advisory committees including an executive committee for public health and medicines of COSTECH.

His current research portfolio focuses on viral hemorrhagic fever, antimicrobial resistance, schistosomiasis, data science and health systems strengthening. In all these research niche areas, he has projects currently under implementation. In terms of research outputs, he has published over 50 research papers in peer reviewed journals. On academia, he serves as a PhD External examiner on Pharmacology and Public Health for the University of Nelson Mandela, South Africa, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, University of Namibia, Sokoine University of Agriculture and recently University of KwaZulu Natal.

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